
HH Global proudly celebrates International Women’s Day 2022
Author: Mike Perez
8 March 2022
HH Global are proudly celebrating International Women’s Day 2022. This important day asks us to imagine a gender equal world, free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated.
We are incredibly proud that over 50% of our team at HH Global is female, and we continue to strive to ensure that our business remains a diverse and inclusive place of work; fostering equal opportunities for all, irrespective of gender.
To honor International Women’s Day 2022, we would like to highlight some of the incredible women who have been integral to the success, growth, and innovations we have seen within HH Global. We asked them to tell us one thing they have learned during their careers, from being a female in a leadership position. Here is what they had to say;
Kathy Presto, Chief Procurement Officer
HH Global is committed to being a diverse and inclusive business that reflects the communities in which we operate, and that the rights and opportunities of every person should be respected, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs, sexual orientation or socio-economic background. I am proud that over 50% of our global team is female and that commitment is not only internal. We focus outwards and into our supply chain where we can have a meaningful impact, by driving more diverse spend to woman owned and other diverse businesses. Our goal is 15% of the HH Global total annual spend will be place with Small and Diverse Business suppliers by 2025.
Cagla Deniz, Business Director
No one in life is born to do what they are doing now; it is a journey for everyone, and that journey always takes longer for women. We need to shift from thinking “I am not ready to do that” to thinking “I want to do that, and I will learn by doing it.”
Abi Hallas, Business Director
One thing I have learned as a woman in a leadership position is the importance of staying true to myself, having the courage of my convictions, and respecting others’ opinions, especially when they are opposing to mine. Michelle Obama sums it up brilliantly, when she said, “There’s power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice.“
Emma Fells, Business Director
I have learned that doing the right thing, no matter how difficult that is, is always the correct route to take.
Denise Marin, Managing Counsel
Maybe it was a stroke of luck, but my profession of choice is populated with role model females, which may have been an extra incentive for my pursuing and dedicating my time and efforts to the Law profession since my early 20’s. Throughout the years, I realized that I gained more from speaking up than by fear of exposing ideas or asking questions. Also, I learned that openly owning a mistake and working to correct them attracts more respect and appreciation from your team and leaders than trying to find excuses or blaming circumstances. Self-empowerment and confidence are characteristics you can develop by yourself and that will help you thrive, by not feeling any less or different from any men, women or anyone holding a higher position in the work environment, or life in general.
Liz Morris, SVP- Middle Market
Most of us have grown up in male dominated industries and to say that I was hard driving and single minded in striving to tick boxes and exceed goals is probably stating it a little too lightly! I wanted to compete and win, work harder, learn more, know more, be right – drive my teams to be better, accept nothing but excellent work even if I had to do it myself. It was truly exhausting. I have learned to listen, appreciate that my way isn’t always the best way and not see the use of empathy as a weakness but a strength. Enjoying the diverse expertise which my colleagues at HH Global bring to work every day, having fun and engaging interactions is now a joy which gives me energy and, strangely enough, yields far better results.
Sarah Fothergill, Business Director
Leadership for me has always been about having the ability to relate to and connect with people, so that you can empower and inspire them. Something I have learned from some of the truly amazing women I have worked for and alongside is that you can be a strong leader and be compassionate. I am delighted to be able to work for HH Global where “Women in Leadership” is not just a promise, it’s what we do.
Woanhoon Heng, Implementation Manager, APAC
In my career, I have had the privilege of working with colleagues from across the Globe and APAC region, all with different experiences and from different cultures. One key observation I have made is that when the team can see that the project lead really cares, not just for the outcome, it forges an extraordinary sense of camaraderie and focus in getting across the line together. Be exemplary, be teachable, be open and generous to share, and most of all, be a servant leader. A special thanks to all the leaders who have shown me the better way, and there is still so much more to learn.
Alice Naylor, General Counsel – EIMEA & APAC
I started out at training at a city law firm, and I enjoyed working in private practice, but what really appealed to me about HH Global is the entrepreneurial spirit of the place. I have been very fortunate to have been mentored by both women and men across the business who have all brought a unique perspective and inspired my approach to leading an in-house team across EIMEA and APAC. Like a lot of women, I worried about my return to the office after having my daughter, but HH Global has been incredibly flexible. The business has helped me to grow into my career and not made me feel that I need to choose between my work and my relationships. I want my daughter to know that I love my family, but that work is a good thing and it’s not something you are dragged off to. One thing I’ve learned in my career to date is that if you work hard and be candid with your colleagues, that will speak for itself. Because HH Global is such an open and collaborative business, I have always felt that I was welcome at the table.
Bethanie Krein Sr. Manager, Strategic Sourcing
One of the things I have learned in my career is that it is during the times you are challenged to step outside of your comfort zone that you experience the most amount of growth, and come out as an infinitely stronger, more capable, and well-rounded leader.
Elsa Banker Senior Director, Business Transformation
I have been incredibly fortunate to have had many truly inspiring female mentors throughout my career. Working with them has made me realize that it is important to know and appreciate your own strengths and do the same for the others around you. No one is an expert in everything, but if we work together to elevate each other and our individual contributions we can collectively make a significant impact on growth and change for the better.
Casey Copeland, Senior Director, Business Transformation
As a leader, you set the tone. I actively choose to drive a culture of positivity and collaboration. It becomes contagious.
Saiko Hiraide Account Director, APAC
I have learnt to make decisions without the fear of failure. Making decisions involves responsibility, but we shouldn’t be afraid of it. Many people prefer to avoid being decisive because of the responsibility involved but until you do it, you will not know whether you will fail or succeed. I believe that making a decision and learning from it, even if it fails, will hold a lesson for next time and is essential to achieving the best results.
Monica Andrade, Senior Finance Director
For over 100 years we have celebrated International Women’s Day. However, the story of women’s struggle for a world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive started well before that. I am very proud and happy to work for HH Global, a company that has over 50% of the global team represented by hardworking and bright women. I have learned that I can do everything and anything. I can put myself forward. I can embrace new challenges and be recognized. I can be an example. I can encourage others and help them grow as well.
Viv Burnett, Head of HR, EIMEA
For me, being a leader is about supporting and developing people in such a way that they have the best opportunity to realize their full potential. Early on in my career I learned that it’s not about ‘being one of the lads’, it’s about having the confidence to be myself, applying integrity and honesty every day. I will always be grateful to the many strong and inspirational female role models around me, not just in business, but throughout my whole life – each one a positive influence on me as a mother, mentor, human being, and leader.
Stephanie Glashagel, Chief Human Resources Officer, America
Becoming a leader is all about setting meaningful goals for yourself and the people you lead. While setting career goals is important, it’s just as important to set goals across all parts of your life. My goal focus has always included prioritizing family, friends and personal passions, as well as my career. I am grateful for the variety of men and women who inspired, challenged and pushed me to make and reach goals in all parts of my life. I seek to do the same for others.
Regan Putz, VP & Controller, North America
I have been very fortunate to work with a number of strong female mentors in my career. I have learned that leadership and respect is earned through actions not titles. Confidence, self-empowerment and faith, in my experience, has carried me throughout my career and has allowed me to be successful when stepping out of my comfort zone. Don’t give up and don’t let others dictate what you are capable of achieving.
Laury De Avila HR Director, LATAM
I’ve had the privilege of advancing in my career because and thanks to women that taught me, mentored me, supported me, and ultimately showed me the true value that lies in having the courage to speak, believing in myself and going for those opportunities where I thought I wasn’t ready. As a leader now and throughout my career I’ve learned that it is now an honor and responsibility to do the same for other friends and colleagues. Supporting the journey of women means, not only to drive the change in the workplace, but it also means allowing the space and vulnerability to share our experiences and struggles. It is important we acknowledge our day-to-day achievements and challenges, to prove to ourselves when needed, that we can accomplish anything we set our minds and hearts to.
Cynthia Lomack “CLo”, Manager – Business Analytics
As a leader, I have learned that leading is serving. By taking the time to lift up others and help others grow, I realized I was also doing it for myself.
Claire Hewlett, Business Director
I learnt early in my career that one of the most important skills we have is the ability to listen. As a leader, it’s important to know how to use that information and find the right way forward – not the easy way. I’m proud and honored to have worked with some amazing women that International Women’s Day allows me to celebrate.
Stacey Kenward, Solutions Developer
Courage, resilience, and determination coupled with integrity, empathy and emotional intelligence is a combination that enables us to achieve great things, greater than we thought possible. Being a female in a position of leadership, I have learned that it is not always easy, and we will too often face obstacles, but by elevating and supporting each other we can achieve anything.
Tracy Huang, Financial Controller, China
I joined HH Global in 2018 and started a wonderful journey. I had over five working experiences before 2018 however, here at HH global, I feel I’m really part of a family. In this family, the first key word is warmth. We have a culture to treat colleagues as family members. In the financial department, I honor everyone’s hard work and I’m always ready to support my team’s growth. I like to encourage my team members to go outside of their comfort zones. As a role model, I ensure that I keep progressing forwards. As a leader, I strive to identify and create opportunities for my team members. As a female, I always try to sympathize with others, to help form a sharing environment. I look forward to the bright future of our family at HH Global.
Michelle Ganz, SVP – Client Engagement
As a leader, I’ve learned to be fearless. I’m grateful that I’ve had the opportunity to work with many women that have inspired me to be confident and take chances, that may push me outside of my comfort zone. I enjoy instilling that same confidence in others and developing team members to be future leaders.
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